I'm a working Mum of two boys:- ages 3 and almost 1, living with husband in a tiny flat in an over priced area of London. We have just decided to try for number 3. This will be our last child (bar any accidents!!)
Why now?
We've been living in London for the last 3 years but now plan a return to Ireland before the end of the year. We want a little brother or sister for our two boys so really the opportunity of 6 months paid maternity is just too much to pass up on. To make it home in time for Christmas, I have a maximum of 3 months to conceive so not much pressure then!!
Preparations for far:
Folic acid - check
Bulk purchase of pregnancy tests - check (I've long since discovered that I have no self control)
Healthy diet - half a check (always room for improvement)
Basal body thermometer - check