Friday, 12 March 2010

So bored......

Today is CD 17. According to Fertility Friend I have not ovulated yet. Not much of a concern yet because my cycles tend to be a bit long but I'm armed with 5 pregnancy tests and I'm all ready to start googling whether anyone else experienced a sore toe (or whatever other random symptom I'm feeling next week) and later found out they were pregnant. I'm boooored...

Actually, I am a tiny bit concerned. I should be eating healthy. PCOS, which I have and which can make conceiving difficult, is linked to insulin resistance. When you are insulin resistant, your body tries to compensate by producing more insulin. This can trigger excess productions of androgens like testosterone which can intefere with your fertility. One way to help control this is to stick to a low GI diet. So sugar is bad...

My diet is normally ok (not perfect but ok) but this month has been terrible - take-aways, cakes, chocolate - just awful... Well hopefully fertility friend will tell me that I've ovulated soon. Then I can stop feeling guilty about the diet and start obsessing over the earliest date to get a positive result!

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