Saturday, 27 February 2010

The cookie monster and scary elephants

Our little guy is turning 1 next week - its hard to believe. He's no longer a baby, very much a toddler. In the last few weeks he's learnt how to child lock the phone so that we can't use it, setup the tv to record his random set of programs and switches off the pc whilst we are typing. He's lots of fun though!!

We are having a small family celebration tomorrow. The cake arrived from the Cake Store today. It's a cookie monster cake and I'm really happy with how its turned out. Also went shopping for party supplies today and amongst other things I bought a large helium elephant balloon. Our sons reaction to this has really surprised me. He keeps screaming everytime he sees it. At first we thought he was afraid of it but he screams louder when we take it away. He keeps pulling at the cord and getting angry with it. Its as if he thinks the balloon is not bending to his will. If he keeps it up we might literally have to burst his balloon.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Getting started

Today I'm CD (cycle day) 4. This is the boring part - waiting. In the meantime, I have just signed up to Fertility Friend. As this is my first month charting in awhile there is not much information but you can see my chart here:

I've also signed up to some discussion groups so that I'll have some company when I get so obsessional my husband will no longer talk to me:

Here we go again...

I started planning for my first baby almost 6 years ago. We were supposedly not so much trying to conceive as just not actively avoiding pregnancy. I was completely relaxed, loads of time, if I found out that I couldn't have a baby it wouldn't have been the biggest tragedy (or so I thought...)

Hmm, that didn't last long. I stopped the pill and I think I secretly expected that I would get pregnant straight away. When that didn't happen, I went from completely relaxed to completely obsessionional. I starting reading up on everything to do with ovulation and conception and I started using Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs). When the OPKs started giving inconclusive results, I started to expect that I had PCOS - the joys of self diagnosis over the web!!! It took another few months and for my periods to completely stop before I could convince my GP to take the blood tests. The blood tests confirmed I did indeed have PCOS. I was referred to a Gynaecologist who recommended drugs to bring on a period and to stimulate ovulation but just as I was about to start I found out that I was pregnant!!!

Unfortunately, an early scan at 10 weeks detected that I had a blighted ovum (the pregnancy sac was still growing but there was no embryo). At this stage I was starting to lose it a bit. I was convinced there was something wrong with me and that I wouldn't be able to have a baby naturally. Hubby was much more relaxed but completely horrified when I told him we were being referred to a fertility clinic. He hated the idea of having to give samples and wanted to give the natural route a bit more time. Lucky for him, it took a couple of months to get an appointment and in the meantime I fell pregnant again. This time everything went ok and I gave birth to a cute baby boy 9 months later.

Baby two was much easier. I assumed it was going to be as difficult as the first time so decided I was going to actively try and not think about it and have no expectations for the first few months. It worked - a couple of weeks later I found out I was pregnant.

So, now we are about to start again. I'm feeling relaxed (let’s see how long that last this time!!!) I think trying to conceive, pregnancy, childbirth is all a very nutty time but as this will likely be my last time trying, I'm just going to succumb to the madness....